
Breakout NYC Promotions and Outreach List

Page history last edited by sean 15 years, 2 months ago

This page is for compiling places to spread the word to about NYC Breakout! evenets: mailing lists, forums, groups, etc. that attract people who might be interested in participating in Breakout!


9/22 – List of upcoming Breakout! events sent to:

nycchi@yahoogroups.com (New York City Computer Human Interaction)

anthrodesign@yahoogroups.com (professional ethnographers/

anthropologists working in industry)


MoMo-NY@yahoogroups.com (Mobile Monday)

techandcity@googlegroups.com (my Spring 2009 students)

newmedia-globalaffairs@googlegroups.com (my current students)

PhD_Students@lists.jrn.columbia.edu (my PhD program)

mobile-society@googlegroups.com (mobile researchers)

urbanth-l@lists.ysu.edu (urban anthropology)

mobileactive-discuss@googlegroups.com (mobile activist)


Before 9/22 – Breakout announcement already sent to:


Not yet reached – The following lists/groups are also good candidates for NYC Breakout event participation but haven't been reached. (We'll send them an announcement 9/23):

http://meetup.designerpages.com/ - A+D Social Networking & DesignerPages is an online reference library for architects and designers

http://www.meetup.com/ny-tech/ - Holds monthly lightning talks about new ideas of interest to NYC tech crowd.

http://www.meetup.com/web2business/ – Runs informal networking opportunities for people who want to start a business and are looking for business partners, employees, investors, potential clients or just ideas, inspiration and advise from their peers.

http://www.meetup.com/nextweb/ - NYC org that, through a series of events, meet and discuss the latest Internet technology(ies), including Web 2.0, Social Networking, and Social Media as well as all aspects of business (Advertising, Marketing, and Media)



Comments (3)

Amanda Kross said

at 8:41 am on Sep 23, 2009

Add: http://meetup.designerpages.com/ - A+D Social Networking & DesignerPages is an online reference library for architects and designers

Amanda Kross said

at 8:42 am on Sep 23, 2009

(Add designerpages to the "Not yet reached" section)

sean said

at 5:02 pm on Sep 23, 2009

Done. Thanks!

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